Hey family:) sounds like you guys had a pretty good week as usual!
Well here is the highlights since last p day. On Saturday we had our first baptism in the area, and the first one for me on my mission. Hanna entered the waters of baptism and the spirit was way strong. She has some autistic kids that made the baptism quite the party. But it was an amazing experience. Watching someone and helping them go through the whole teaching process and even get married was so cool.
Yesterday we were doing some service for this Hispanic lady in our ward. Her name is lina, she doesn't speak to much English but helping her is always a party. This time we carried a massive entertainment center up the stairs of her unfinished house and put it in her upstairs. While we were carrying it up there, I literally stepped through the ceiling.
I thought I was gonna fall through but I didn't. So that was good!
Also we are teaching this lady named Cheri who is getting baptised on the 30th and she is so cool. Straight from Detroit, she's in her 70s and literally is like a mafia person
she is just killing it in the lessons so far. Thanks for the package. I am excited to receive it, also on Sunday I'll probably find out if I'll be staying in this area or being transferred. Love you guys and I hope your all doing Well! See ya next week
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