Hey family! Hope you guys are doing good. Not much to report on this week except I had my first baptism I was able to do on Saturday for my man chris!! And me and Elder Wales will be staying together and I will be the district leader. Love you guys and hope you have a good week!
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Week 32: Blessings of Baptism
Hey family! Hope you guys are doing good. Not much to report on this week except I had my first baptism I was able to do on Saturday for my man chris!! And me and Elder Wales will be staying together and I will be the district leader. Love you guys and hope you have a good week!
Week 31: Got milk?
Man this week was such a trip😂 I'll start off with all the bad news! Somebody got shot and killed just across the road from where we live, and then they also busted a meth lab in the same neighborhood. So the neighborhood has a 9 o clock curfew now and police patrols. Gotta love bowling green.
Besides that we had exchanges with the district leader and at the end of the exchange we all got tazed which was a new experience for me. And I can't say I'm a huge fan but it wasn't as bad as I thought. The exchange was good and we did some work. My dude Chris is getting baptised this Saturday and we are so pumped for him. He is such a cool guy! Also I had a wheelie contest with this teenager on his bike and totally wasted him so take that😂 I'm the wheelie king!! This week we also had a pioneer day celebration and ended up with like four extra gallons of milk in our fridge. Idk how we will drink it all just with the two of us but we will figure it out!
Training has been such a humbling experience. It's really taught me how much I need to improve, and also how much I need to rely on the savior. We just figure it out as we go. Some lady played the bag pipes at the pioneer day celebration we went to, and now my comp is like obsessed with bag pipes. Idk what his deal is😂😂. But to each his own I guess. We had a couple really really good lessons this week with some more Africans. They are the greatest people on earth I swear. So humble and receptive, and just so fun to be around. We stopped at Lee Pointe, where the majority of the refugees we work with live, and these kids ran up to use and put our bike helmets on so I had to grab a picture, they are just so cute. Literally makes my day every time I go there.
Elder Wales is still eating 6 eggs a day. We go through a 60 count in a week easy. I'm not sure how he's doing it. He's like determined to survive on as little as he can. So he only eats eggs and tuna. That's it. Somehow he's still healthy after 4 weeks of that so maybe he knows something I don't. But still🙈 4 weeks of the same food every day. I'd be dead. But besides that all is well in vette city. Miss you guys and hope your all doing well!
Week 30: Marching forward
Hey Family! Glad to hear your all alive and well! And I'm super pumped for Jake and Megan and there wedding plans. That's sounds so fun! The boating incident sounds scary but it happens. And that's cool about dad being super busy and all!. Defiantly miss you guys and the months seem to be rolling by.
Me and my greenie Elder Wales get along. We had a couple of long hard days tracting out in the heat this week when we didn't have the car. And that sucked😂 it's so hot. But that doesn't matter to much. We get to teach these two little African kids and they are the cutest ever. I'll get pictures and send them back next week. They are working towards baptism and it's so awesome.
There is an EFY thing going on here at western Kentucky University so at church on Sunday we had like 40 counsellers there that were all returned missionaries. It was so sick and they helped put in gospel principals class a ton with Chris who will be getting baptised on the 28th. Lots of the long hard days are made up for when just one person will listen to our message.
This p day(today) we decided we wanted to go hiking. I don't know what I expected since there is no mountains here. But Kentucky's version of hiking is like the Logan river trail. Nice wide graveled trail, not to much adventure or risk. But that's okay it's whatever😂. And yes I did beat my mile time. It is much easier to run at a lower elevation, so I'm coming in consistently at about a 5:40 mile which I feel like is pretty good. I just wish we had a gym to work out but I'm doing my best with push ups and stuff.
Transfers are coming up soon and I'll find out if I'm staying put or what's going on so that's exciting! Anyhow love you guys and I hope y'all have a great week!
Week 29: Happy for hats
Congrats to Jake for the proposal and stuff! That's so exciting:) and I'm very glad y'all had a great week. Not a whole lot happened this week. We got some tracting hats so that's super exciting. Now we look like we are going on safari😂 safari mall cops😂. Love it. I'm petitioning the mission leaders to give us back a Chevy Malibu because I'm sick of sqaudding around in the mini van.
I'm glad y'all got to see Ben and Cher! It's been a hot minute since I've heard from any of the other family. Glad every one is doing well tho. It's so hot here♨️ literally I sweat through all my clothes like every day. But it's whatever. Me and elder Wales are still getting along really good which is awesome. I've almost hit my mile goal which is 5:45. The other day I got 5:47 seconds! I was so close. Next time tho. We race every morning which is fun because then it makes it competitive. We also this week convinced the Hermanas to make some cookies for us. So we are like a whole plate of like 30 sugar cookies in a little under 3 days. It's fine tho. We sweat out all those extra calories.
Besides that we have a baptism coming up on the 28th I'm pumped for. The dudes name is Chris and we are homies. He's a very interesting guy. Everyone here in bowling green is. It's just different😆. Also this week me and Elder Wales saw someone getting arrested for stealing a motorized shopping cart from Wal-Mart. That was pretty sad. Besides that not much else. I was hoping to hear more details on the proposal so hopefully Jake will get around to that. I'm sad I'll be missing his wedding. But what can you do😂😂. Love you guys and I hope yall have a good week.

Week 28: Happy 4th
Hey, I hope you guys are having a good 4th of July! We are out in the country having a good old celebration with some families from our wards. It's bomb. It was a super good time we had burgers and played volleyball it was good:) this week was a really good week here but it is hot as nuts. 99 degrees with this kind of humidity is something else. Hats are approved for tracting to keep the sun off of you so I bought a good old safari hat and I'm pumped to use it.
It's been a good week tho filled with lots of biking and talking to interesting people. It sounds like all is well there:) I miss all of you guys, it's crazy it's been 8 months already. I'm a 3rd of the way through this already. I can't believe how time flies. Me and my comp are trying very hard to get in really good shape. So we have been running a mile every morning and working out for quite a while. My fastest mile so far is 5:55. I want to get it faster tho. Today we aren't allowed to be out after 8 pm. Maybe they think people will shoot fireworks at us or something. Or it could just be all the drugs and alcohol who knows. I've been craving some swimming lately. It's just so hot and everyone has a pool. I can wait another 16 months tho😂
Love you guys and hope you have a good week!
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