Congrats to Jake for the proposal and stuff! That's so exciting:) and I'm very glad y'all had a great week. Not a whole lot happened this week. We got some tracting hats so that's super exciting. Now we look like we are going on safari😂 safari mall cops😂. Love it. I'm petitioning the mission leaders to give us back a Chevy Malibu because I'm sick of sqaudding around in the mini van.
I'm glad y'all got to see Ben and Cher! It's been a hot minute since I've heard from any of the other family. Glad every one is doing well tho. It's so hot here♨️ literally I sweat through all my clothes like every day. But it's whatever. Me and elder Wales are still getting along really good which is awesome. I've almost hit my mile goal which is 5:45. The other day I got 5:47 seconds! I was so close. Next time tho. We race every morning which is fun because then it makes it competitive. We also this week convinced the Hermanas to make some cookies for us. So we are like a whole plate of like 30 sugar cookies in a little under 3 days. It's fine tho. We sweat out all those extra calories.
Besides that we have a baptism coming up on the 28th I'm pumped for. The dudes name is Chris and we are homies. He's a very interesting guy. Everyone here in bowling green is. It's just different😆. Also this week me and Elder Wales saw someone getting arrested for stealing a motorized shopping cart from Wal-Mart. That was pretty sad. Besides that not much else. I was hoping to hear more details on the proposal so hopefully Jake will get around to that. I'm sad I'll be missing his wedding. But what can you do😂😂. Love you guys and I hope yall have a good week.

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