Hey fam:) I'm not being transfered but both of my companions will be heading up to Clarksville, and I'll be getting a new zone leader comp named Elder Jackson. I'm pretty excited to take over this area but also a little nervous. Apparently Elder Jackson likes a lot of the same stuff I do so I'm sure we will get along good. I'm definitely going to miss Elder Hamblin and Elder Shaw and I would have loved to spend Christmas with them, but the mission doesn't work like that and you don't get to choose those things.
I'm glad everything is going well and that you guys are keeping busy. Mom your job sounds crazy now and since it's getting colder I bet your loving the hot tub. I haven't gotten to watch the devotional yet either but when I get a chance I'm really excited to watch it. We had to swap cars with the Fairview Elders so we are not driving a Nissan Rouge, all the sisters make fun of us and tell us it's a mom car. But it's got way more clearance than our last car which is way better for some of the crazy dirt roads we have to take it on.
I'm really excited for Christmas, and seeing yall over the Skype call. Hopefully you guys will have some questions for me:) Everyone is better now but we had a couple sick days last week that were really boring. I did get to go on an exchange with an Elder that just came out who was from Smithfield Utah so we chatted it up about cache valley the whole time and it was way fun. We did service at a horse ranch and I got to teach quite a few lessons this week which was awesome because I love teaching. And that's about it for me! I love you guys and I'll see ya soon:)
Monday, December 10, 2018
WEEK 43: On high
Not to much to say this week! Thanks for the big old update tho:) this week was pretty good, we didn't have a thanksgiving dinner so we just ate what we had around the apartment. We did some clean up at a cemetery for a service project, and it's been pretty cold here lately. I think my companions might get transfered out for Christmas so we will see. I'm about out of time but I love you guys and I hope you have a good week!
WEEK 43: Watch the sweets
A year has gone pretty fast that's true. But I still have a year to go😆 thank heavens. Not to much happened this week, we just had zone conference and I had exchanges up in Pulaski Tennessee, they call it Klan town because that's where the KKK was started. It's kinda a old town. So I was happy when I got to come back to Dickson. Dickson is way small to but its better than Pulaski. We got flu shots this zone conference to so that's awesome. The proactive is working pretty well. I honestly haven't been able to get in a rhythm with it yet. I've just been able to use it here and there. But I'm gonna put more effort in and that will help I think. I'll think about the Christmas list more. But I do not want any candy or junk food of any kind. The holidays are The hardest time of year to eat healthy so I don't want all that candy and crap staring at me. Love you mom and I hope you have a good week!
WEEK 42: Gotta be fast
So I finally got transferred after camping out for 7 months in Bowling Green. I didn't realise how much junk I could acquire after being in one area that long but it was a lot, so when I had to pack up I had to leave a fair amount of stuff behind, it was a super awesome area tho and I'm glad I got to serve there.
Now I'm in a tiny town about an hour and a fifteen mins west of Nashville. They do have a Wal-Mart so I guess it not to small of a town, but man I've never been anywhere as country as here. Everyone is driving big old trucks and smoking, and it's not good food here unless you slather it up with butter. Most everyone is super nice tho which is really cool.
My new companions are awesome and I love them a lot. Elder Hamblin is my zone leader companion, and he is from California and like 23, and is on his last transfer out. Elder Shaw is our trainee, and he is the coolest cat out there. He is basically Dwight from the office, I never know what he's going to say next but usually everything he says gets me laughing so hard my abbs hurt. I'm super excited to get to work with them and to be here in this area. It's crazy that a year has flown by already! Also the other day I found out why you should never cut chili's and touch your eyes after. I lost my sight for like 10 mins and my eyes were so bloodshot for the rest of the night. Lesson learned I guess
I hope you all have a great week and that you'll enjoy this picture of me holding a chicken. That thing was beepin fast and I had to chase it and catch it. Me and the chicken ended up getting in a fist fight inside of some bushes but I beat that little sucker so I had to get a trophy picture. The other picture is just another one of the crazy Baptist churches around here.
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