So I finally got transferred after camping out for 7 months in Bowling Green. I didn't realise how much junk I could acquire after being in one area that long but it was a lot, so when I had to pack up I had to leave a fair amount of stuff behind, it was a super awesome area tho and I'm glad I got to serve there.
Now I'm in a tiny town about an hour and a fifteen mins west of Nashville. They do have a Wal-Mart so I guess it not to small of a town, but man I've never been anywhere as country as here. Everyone is driving big old trucks and smoking, and it's not good food here unless you slather it up with butter. Most everyone is super nice tho which is really cool.
My new companions are awesome and I love them a lot. Elder Hamblin is my zone leader companion, and he is from California and like 23, and is on his last transfer out. Elder Shaw is our trainee, and he is the coolest cat out there. He is basically Dwight from the office, I never know what he's going to say next but usually everything he says gets me laughing so hard my abbs hurt. I'm super excited to get to work with them and to be here in this area. It's crazy that a year has flown by already! Also the other day I found out why you should never cut chili's and touch your eyes after. I lost my sight for like 10 mins and my eyes were so bloodshot for the rest of the night. Lesson learned I guess
I hope you all have a great week and that you'll enjoy this picture of me holding a chicken. That thing was beepin fast and I had to chase it and catch it. Me and the chicken ended up getting in a fist fight inside of some bushes but I beat that little sucker so I had to get a trophy picture. The other picture is just another one of the crazy Baptist churches around here.
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