Hey fam:) I'm not being transfered but both of my companions will be heading up to Clarksville, and I'll be getting a new zone leader comp named Elder Jackson. I'm pretty excited to take over this area but also a little nervous. Apparently Elder Jackson likes a lot of the same stuff I do so I'm sure we will get along good. I'm definitely going to miss Elder Hamblin and Elder Shaw and I would have loved to spend Christmas with them, but the mission doesn't work like that and you don't get to choose those things.
I'm glad everything is going well and that you guys are keeping busy. Mom your job sounds crazy now and since it's getting colder I bet your loving the hot tub. I haven't gotten to watch the devotional yet either but when I get a chance I'm really excited to watch it. We had to swap cars with the Fairview Elders so we are not driving a Nissan Rouge, all the sisters make fun of us and tell us it's a mom car. But it's got way more clearance than our last car which is way better for some of the crazy dirt roads we have to take it on.
I'm really excited for Christmas, and seeing yall over the Skype call. Hopefully you guys will have some questions for me:) Everyone is better now but we had a couple sick days last week that were really boring. I did get to go on an exchange with an Elder that just came out who was from Smithfield Utah so we chatted it up about cache valley the whole time and it was way fun. We did service at a horse ranch and I got to teach quite a few lessons this week which was awesome because I love teaching. And that's about it for me! I love you guys and I'll see ya soon:)
Monday, December 10, 2018
WEEK 43: On high
Not to much to say this week! Thanks for the big old update tho:) this week was pretty good, we didn't have a thanksgiving dinner so we just ate what we had around the apartment. We did some clean up at a cemetery for a service project, and it's been pretty cold here lately. I think my companions might get transfered out for Christmas so we will see. I'm about out of time but I love you guys and I hope you have a good week!
WEEK 43: Watch the sweets
A year has gone pretty fast that's true. But I still have a year to go😆 thank heavens. Not to much happened this week, we just had zone conference and I had exchanges up in Pulaski Tennessee, they call it Klan town because that's where the KKK was started. It's kinda a old town. So I was happy when I got to come back to Dickson. Dickson is way small to but its better than Pulaski. We got flu shots this zone conference to so that's awesome. The proactive is working pretty well. I honestly haven't been able to get in a rhythm with it yet. I've just been able to use it here and there. But I'm gonna put more effort in and that will help I think. I'll think about the Christmas list more. But I do not want any candy or junk food of any kind. The holidays are The hardest time of year to eat healthy so I don't want all that candy and crap staring at me. Love you mom and I hope you have a good week!
WEEK 42: Gotta be fast
So I finally got transferred after camping out for 7 months in Bowling Green. I didn't realise how much junk I could acquire after being in one area that long but it was a lot, so when I had to pack up I had to leave a fair amount of stuff behind, it was a super awesome area tho and I'm glad I got to serve there.
Now I'm in a tiny town about an hour and a fifteen mins west of Nashville. They do have a Wal-Mart so I guess it not to small of a town, but man I've never been anywhere as country as here. Everyone is driving big old trucks and smoking, and it's not good food here unless you slather it up with butter. Most everyone is super nice tho which is really cool.
My new companions are awesome and I love them a lot. Elder Hamblin is my zone leader companion, and he is from California and like 23, and is on his last transfer out. Elder Shaw is our trainee, and he is the coolest cat out there. He is basically Dwight from the office, I never know what he's going to say next but usually everything he says gets me laughing so hard my abbs hurt. I'm super excited to get to work with them and to be here in this area. It's crazy that a year has flown by already! Also the other day I found out why you should never cut chili's and touch your eyes after. I lost my sight for like 10 mins and my eyes were so bloodshot for the rest of the night. Lesson learned I guess
I hope you all have a great week and that you'll enjoy this picture of me holding a chicken. That thing was beepin fast and I had to chase it and catch it. Me and the chicken ended up getting in a fist fight inside of some bushes but I beat that little sucker so I had to get a trophy picture. The other picture is just another one of the crazy Baptist churches around here.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Week 41: Back to Tennessee
This week was a blast! As you could probably tell, my p day is on Monday this week! It's because of a weird incoming transfer but it all works out! This week has been super good, we set another one of the people we are teaching on date. That's 3 people on date now! That's the most I've ever had in one area so it gets me pumped.
We got transfer calls and I'm out of here. It's kind of sad honestly, after serving in the same ward for 7 months you start to feel like part of the ward. I got to bear my testimony on Sunday, and everyone expressed they were grateful for me serving there. It kinda sucks because I made a lot of friends in this ward. But I know I've got to move at some point. Now for the big news!! I'm getting transferred to Dickson Tennessee. I'll be a zone leader there with elder Hamlin, he's from California. And we will be in a trio finishing the training of a new elder named elder Shaw. And I leave for that tomorrow so I'm stoked!
We had a ward party this week called the fall festival, and it was so sick! There was a trunk or treat, and a chili cook off. We had 3 families come that we are teaching and then around 5 of the other people that we are teaching. It was awesome to have so many people come out to it and have a good time! I ate some chili with some Carolina reaper peppers in it and I was pretty disappointed. It just made my lips and throat burn, it didn't even make me cry tho so that was a bummer.
Since today is p day we are gonna go slack line and set up our hammocks at the park. We had Darnell who got baptized this last Saturday which was awesome to! It's starting to cool down here a bit and you can tell winter is coming, so it's been sweater weather which is my favorite time of the year. Love y'all and stay blessed.
WEEK 40: Big news coming
This week was a blast! We had Elder Bowen of the 70 come and meet with us. We had a MLC meeting first and then he ran our regular zone conference right after that. He spoke in general conference this time. He is a super nice guy and energetic for his age. We talked about how this mission can be doing way better than it has been. We just need to have more faith and work harder.
We also this week had a big family history activity on Saturday that so many people came to! We brought some of the people that we are teaching and they loved it! Also this week we didn't get to shop until Saturday so on Thursday and Friday we were in like survival mode because we didn't have any food in the apartment. So we were just like eating anything and everything, but now we are back on track.
We played some sand volleyball today and it was super sick! It's been forever since I played some good volleyball. I had to buy some new shoes today and I love them. That's about it for this week! We should be getting transfer calls hopefully this Sunday and I'm bound to leave so I'll be really shocked if I stay in Bowling Green for another transfer. Love you guys have a good week:)
We also this week had a big family history activity on Saturday that so many people came to! We brought some of the people that we are teaching and they loved it! Also this week we didn't get to shop until Saturday so on Thursday and Friday we were in like survival mode because we didn't have any food in the apartment. So we were just like eating anything and everything, but now we are back on track.
We played some sand volleyball today and it was super sick! It's been forever since I played some good volleyball. I had to buy some new shoes today and I love them. That's about it for this week! We should be getting transfer calls hopefully this Sunday and I'm bound to leave so I'll be really shocked if I stay in Bowling Green for another transfer. Love you guys have a good week:)
WEEK 39: Conference time
This week was pretty fun!, it flew by so fast😆 I managed to stay awake for all of conference this time around. Which was way hard because we went to a Spanish member of the wards house and I had 14 taquitos for lunch. So it was hot and heavy and I was falling asleep. But I stayed awake for all of it.
Really besides that not to much happened this week. We did a lot of service on Monday and Tuesday and we got to do some more alpaca wrangling which was way fun. The lady who owns the place is going to make us all alpaca fur ties! Which I'm way excited for. I ruined my temple tie today ironing it. Apparently your not supposed to iron certain ties so that's cool that I learned that. It's flippen October and it's still like 85 degrees here it's ridiculous.
We had one of the people we are teaching come to conference and he loved it. He wasn't able to make it for all of the conference, just Saturdays portion. But that was still good enough! We got to go to the temple again today and that was awesome! I love the temple so much, the Nashville temple is pretty small but it's really pretty.
Besides that not much else has happened, we are just on that constant grind, trying to find the people who are open to the message of the restored gospel. I know this church is God's true restored church on the earth, and I know the book of Mormon is true. Hope you all have a good week!
Sunday, September 30, 2018
WEEK 38: Working hard
This week has been pretty solid! A storm has been passing through Bowling Green, which has made everything really nice and cool, except for when Elder Horsley got a flat tire and we had to walk our bikes back a mile in the pouring rain. Besides that it's been really good! That same day playing a bit of pros ball I split one of my pairs of pants and ruined them. And also one of my shoes came completely apart. WE STILL BEAT THEM. Even with a split pair of pants and a ruined shoe.Interestingly enough they didn't split because I've gotten fatter, it's because my thighs have gotten pretty big with all of this biking and running like 3 miles every morning. What a day
We are teaching a couple member referrals currently and they are all super cool people. We are teaching a lady from China who has no Christian background and she is so sweet! We are also teaching a members boyfriend, and another members close family friends. I've never had on my mission before members who invite their friends to learn more. Usually members look at missionary work as something that only the full time missionaries do. So it's been awesome to see that the members in our ward are being so involved!
The tiny Filipino lady is ofelyia a person we are teaching. She a spunky old grandma who throws shade at everyone, it's the best! Elder Horsley is such a hard worker and a fun companion to have. I'm sure he thinks I'm a weirdo but hey
We met this college student named Cassie who is super nice, and we've been able to teach her about the book of Mormon and the restoration. We taught her that she could pray for help with her studies and for understanding when reading the scriptures. And that night she texted us and told us how grateful she was that we came over and taught her about that. It was really cool to see that someone was actually excited and grateful for the opportunity to learn about God.
Our district leader has been making us banana bread for every district council and it's dang good! I'm going to have to get the recipe. And today we are headed back out to the alpaca farm so I'm way excited for that! Well the alpaca farm was dope as usual. The lady who runs it fed us a fat lunch and we did some service and threw the old pig skin around a bit. Good times for sure. That's about it for me this week! Sorry it's been a while. Stay Blessed
WEEK 37: Slice of humble pie?
Hey guys! It was good to hear from you all! This last week has flown by so quick. I guess being a zone leader all of a sudden makes you way busy and I don't know why but I didn't expect that. Elder Horsley is a pretty dope guy. He's like 6'4 so that's pretty cool. Since we are zone leaders we get extra miles so we can drive to the other Elders apartment in our area. Its way sick! I've already lost like 4 pounds so that's fun, this transfer we are just gonna slice off that weight so I'm excited for that. Elder Horsley definitely knows how to have a good time but also how to work way hard. He loves fishing to so that's a huge perk. We went fishing today( first time for me since I left on my mission) and it was heaven. We didn't catch anything huge but it was just so fun. I caught a little pumpkin seed panfish that is a cool looking fish. Hopefully we will get to go fishing every p day now.
The work here in this area is going good. Elder Horsley does missionary work a little different than I do so that's gonna take some adjusting. Its also weird not to be training anyone anymore and to be more equally yoked I guess. Not so stressful when you don't feel like you are pulling most of the load. It looks like you guys had a way fun time up in bear lake! I was glad to see everyone's smiling faces for sure! We also got to go do some service at an alpaca farm this week and it was a blast, we got to throw some hay bales around and mess with the alpacas a bit so it was a good time😆 these next couple weeks are going to be pretty crazy because elder Bowen( he's a general authority) is coming to visit the mission. And we have a ton of exchanges to go on so that's exciting. I'll just share one experience, the other day it was like 8:45 pm and I wanted to drive back to the a
apartment and start doing the paperwork side of missionary work, and Elder Horsley convinced me that we needed to stay out for a little while longer and talk to more people. So I did it, and had a bad attitude about it cause I didn't think we were gonna find anyone. But sure enough we ended up finding two new people to teach, so that was a bit humbling and I felt like a scrub after having a bad attitude about it. But it's cool that the Lord will always lead us to the people as long as we just trust him and do what he says. I love you guys and hope you have a good week!
The work here in this area is going good. Elder Horsley does missionary work a little different than I do so that's gonna take some adjusting. Its also weird not to be training anyone anymore and to be more equally yoked I guess. Not so stressful when you don't feel like you are pulling most of the load. It looks like you guys had a way fun time up in bear lake! I was glad to see everyone's smiling faces for sure! We also got to go do some service at an alpaca farm this week and it was a blast, we got to throw some hay bales around and mess with the alpacas a bit so it was a good time😆 these next couple weeks are going to be pretty crazy because elder Bowen( he's a general authority) is coming to visit the mission. And we have a ton of exchanges to go on so that's exciting. I'll just share one experience, the other day it was like 8:45 pm and I wanted to drive back to the a
apartment and start doing the paperwork side of missionary work, and Elder Horsley convinced me that we needed to stay out for a little while longer and talk to more people. So I did it, and had a bad attitude about it cause I didn't think we were gonna find anyone. But sure enough we ended up finding two new people to teach, so that was a bit humbling and I felt like a scrub after having a bad attitude about it. But it's cool that the Lord will always lead us to the people as long as we just trust him and do what he says. I love you guys and hope you have a good week!
WEEK 36: One more time in BG
Hey y'all, hope everyone has been doing good, just wanted to shoot an email out to update everyone on what's been going on.
We got transfer calls this Tuesday and I'll be staying in Bowling Green for another transfer and receiving Elder Horsley and we will be the zone leaders. My greenie who just finished training, Elder Wales, will be going to a small town in Tennessee to train a new missionary, with the help of an older missionary.
I was kinda hoping for a change of scenery since this will be my 5th transfer here. But there is a lot of potential in this area so I can't really complain that much. We just put a guy named Alex on date for baptism on Monday. He is from Tanzania and speaks swahili and French and a tiny bit of English. But we have been making it work. He is so dope, he's way short and always smiling. He's helping me learn a bit of swahili. It's a hard language that's for sure. But we have lots of swahili people here so it's nice to know at least the basics. I guess bowling green is a designated safe city for refugees so that's why we have so many here.
Besides that everything is still going pretty good, every week we find more apartment complexes to tract, I swear there is a new complex built like every week. I'm excited to be a zone leader but a little nervous to. I only got to be a district leader for one transfer so I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm excited tho because now I get to go on exchanges with the aps and one of the aps Elder Bollinger trained me, so seeing him again is gonna be sweet! It's starting to cool off a bit here and the temps are mostly in the 70s and the humidity isn't to bad so fall is coming. I hate all the bugs here tho. The cicadas are so loud it's rediculous.
Also the new church history book that came out called Saints is way good. I read it all already and it was sick. It's all I did for like a week during our dinner and lunch breaks since the members don't feed us to often. That's about it for me tho. Love you guys and hope your all doing well!
We got transfer calls this Tuesday and I'll be staying in Bowling Green for another transfer and receiving Elder Horsley and we will be the zone leaders. My greenie who just finished training, Elder Wales, will be going to a small town in Tennessee to train a new missionary, with the help of an older missionary.
I was kinda hoping for a change of scenery since this will be my 5th transfer here. But there is a lot of potential in this area so I can't really complain that much. We just put a guy named Alex on date for baptism on Monday. He is from Tanzania and speaks swahili and French and a tiny bit of English. But we have been making it work. He is so dope, he's way short and always smiling. He's helping me learn a bit of swahili. It's a hard language that's for sure. But we have lots of swahili people here so it's nice to know at least the basics. I guess bowling green is a designated safe city for refugees so that's why we have so many here.
Besides that everything is still going pretty good, every week we find more apartment complexes to tract, I swear there is a new complex built like every week. I'm excited to be a zone leader but a little nervous to. I only got to be a district leader for one transfer so I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm excited tho because now I get to go on exchanges with the aps and one of the aps Elder Bollinger trained me, so seeing him again is gonna be sweet! It's starting to cool off a bit here and the temps are mostly in the 70s and the humidity isn't to bad so fall is coming. I hate all the bugs here tho. The cicadas are so loud it's rediculous.
Also the new church history book that came out called Saints is way good. I read it all already and it was sick. It's all I did for like a week during our dinner and lunch breaks since the members don't feed us to often. That's about it for me tho. Love you guys and hope your all doing well!
Sunday, September 9, 2018
WEEK 35: Bar burgers are the best
Not to much to talk about this week. No word on transfers yet. Not a whole lot has changed. We had a good exchange this week with the zone leaders. It really helped me to learn how I can be a better missionary.
We also had a member accidently take us to a bar for dinner. I had the best burger I've ever had in my life there. It was fantastic. Love y'all and hope ya have a good week.
WEEK 34: Responsibility
Hey family!
It's good to hear from you guys, yeah I'm still in Bowling Green probably till half way through September. This week has been pretty good, it's been a long week for sure and we've been biking a lot. It's been hot hot hot. We have some baptisms this weekend so I'm pumped about that. I have been doing a lot of swahili lessons lately, it's a really hard language to understand but I'm picking up words here and there. Just the basics for sure, maybe Bowling Green will get some swahili missionaries sometime soon.
Being district leader has been interesting, we have these calls that we have to be on Monday night's and this week me and Elder Wales totally forgot about it and so we made everyone wait for us before they started. When we were driving around we saw these two guys larping, they were fighting with big old foam swords, it was so funny! I almost crashed our car! We also have an senior missionary couple in our district.
The new announcement from President Nelson about the churches name is going to be interesting for us for sure, nobady here in the south knows our church full name, they all only know the nicknames. ( side note/funny story) we went to a Christian store today, and they literally sell anti Mormon literature in a Christian store😂😂 how Christian. Anyhow the little Africans we are teaching are getting baptised this saturday!! Crispin and Nadine are sick, they are so fun!!
They thought it was funny in our last lesson to smack lder Wales in the back of the head a bunch. It was way funny! Besides that yeah not much, I'm thinking this will be my last transfer here but we will see, I'm really excited about grandma going to the temple! I wish I could be there but I know it will be an awesome experience!! Love you guys and hope you have a good week!!
WEEK 33: Speedy delivery
Hey family!! It's good to hear from you guys! This week went by super quick. It just seems like the weeks are flying along. This week we had a zone conference where we got new tiwis in our cars. Tiwi is a computer device that in real time coaches us on how to drive. If we get to many warnings we get a violation which goes on our driving record. Also at zone conference we had David Archuleta talk with us and sing us some of his songs. Glorious was way cool in person. I think he's better live than like his recordings. He is one of the most humble guys I've ever met and he has a really cool back story. I'll attach pictures below. I hope to serve in one of the wards he's in that would be way cool.
Besides that not a whole lot has happened. We will have some more baptisms this next weekend so that's exciting. I've had to do a few swahili lessons lately and they are so hard, I can use Google translate to speak it but Idk what they are saying back😂. Translators are so helpful.
The red rocket, my new bike, is way fast! All the gears work it's so exciting, I haul but around this city. I've been here for quite a while now so it's starting to get a bit repetitive but feel like home. Today for p day we have been playing some friendly sting pong which has been way fun, and we are gonna go get some new couches from a senior missionary couple who is leaving. Thursday we are heading down to the temple to do baptisms for the dead with our recent convert Chris. Love that guy. The gospel is helping him get his life on track.
In my last interview with President he said he'd need me as a zone leader soon so we will see what happens. I think this might be my last one in this area. Me and Elder Wales are still working hard and finding lots of people to teach, they just don't always speak English which is hard. Besides that mom was pretty much right when she said it's probably like ground hog day. Once again everything sounds like it's going good back home! Happy birthday to Jake, 22 wow!! Time flies, 😂😂 he'll probably have like 4 kids by the time I get back. Well I love you guys! Bye bye
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Week 32: Blessings of Baptism
Hey family! Hope you guys are doing good. Not much to report on this week except I had my first baptism I was able to do on Saturday for my man chris!! And me and Elder Wales will be staying together and I will be the district leader. Love you guys and hope you have a good week!
Week 31: Got milk?
Man this week was such a trip😂 I'll start off with all the bad news! Somebody got shot and killed just across the road from where we live, and then they also busted a meth lab in the same neighborhood. So the neighborhood has a 9 o clock curfew now and police patrols. Gotta love bowling green.
Besides that we had exchanges with the district leader and at the end of the exchange we all got tazed which was a new experience for me. And I can't say I'm a huge fan but it wasn't as bad as I thought. The exchange was good and we did some work. My dude Chris is getting baptised this Saturday and we are so pumped for him. He is such a cool guy! Also I had a wheelie contest with this teenager on his bike and totally wasted him so take that😂 I'm the wheelie king!! This week we also had a pioneer day celebration and ended up with like four extra gallons of milk in our fridge. Idk how we will drink it all just with the two of us but we will figure it out!
Training has been such a humbling experience. It's really taught me how much I need to improve, and also how much I need to rely on the savior. We just figure it out as we go. Some lady played the bag pipes at the pioneer day celebration we went to, and now my comp is like obsessed with bag pipes. Idk what his deal is😂😂. But to each his own I guess. We had a couple really really good lessons this week with some more Africans. They are the greatest people on earth I swear. So humble and receptive, and just so fun to be around. We stopped at Lee Pointe, where the majority of the refugees we work with live, and these kids ran up to use and put our bike helmets on so I had to grab a picture, they are just so cute. Literally makes my day every time I go there.
Elder Wales is still eating 6 eggs a day. We go through a 60 count in a week easy. I'm not sure how he's doing it. He's like determined to survive on as little as he can. So he only eats eggs and tuna. That's it. Somehow he's still healthy after 4 weeks of that so maybe he knows something I don't. But still🙈 4 weeks of the same food every day. I'd be dead. But besides that all is well in vette city. Miss you guys and hope your all doing well!
Week 30: Marching forward
Hey Family! Glad to hear your all alive and well! And I'm super pumped for Jake and Megan and there wedding plans. That's sounds so fun! The boating incident sounds scary but it happens. And that's cool about dad being super busy and all!. Defiantly miss you guys and the months seem to be rolling by.
Me and my greenie Elder Wales get along. We had a couple of long hard days tracting out in the heat this week when we didn't have the car. And that sucked😂 it's so hot. But that doesn't matter to much. We get to teach these two little African kids and they are the cutest ever. I'll get pictures and send them back next week. They are working towards baptism and it's so awesome.
There is an EFY thing going on here at western Kentucky University so at church on Sunday we had like 40 counsellers there that were all returned missionaries. It was so sick and they helped put in gospel principals class a ton with Chris who will be getting baptised on the 28th. Lots of the long hard days are made up for when just one person will listen to our message.
This p day(today) we decided we wanted to go hiking. I don't know what I expected since there is no mountains here. But Kentucky's version of hiking is like the Logan river trail. Nice wide graveled trail, not to much adventure or risk. But that's okay it's whatever😂. And yes I did beat my mile time. It is much easier to run at a lower elevation, so I'm coming in consistently at about a 5:40 mile which I feel like is pretty good. I just wish we had a gym to work out but I'm doing my best with push ups and stuff.
Transfers are coming up soon and I'll find out if I'm staying put or what's going on so that's exciting! Anyhow love you guys and I hope y'all have a great week!
Week 29: Happy for hats
Congrats to Jake for the proposal and stuff! That's so exciting:) and I'm very glad y'all had a great week. Not a whole lot happened this week. We got some tracting hats so that's super exciting. Now we look like we are going on safari😂 safari mall cops😂. Love it. I'm petitioning the mission leaders to give us back a Chevy Malibu because I'm sick of sqaudding around in the mini van.
I'm glad y'all got to see Ben and Cher! It's been a hot minute since I've heard from any of the other family. Glad every one is doing well tho. It's so hot here♨️ literally I sweat through all my clothes like every day. But it's whatever. Me and elder Wales are still getting along really good which is awesome. I've almost hit my mile goal which is 5:45. The other day I got 5:47 seconds! I was so close. Next time tho. We race every morning which is fun because then it makes it competitive. We also this week convinced the Hermanas to make some cookies for us. So we are like a whole plate of like 30 sugar cookies in a little under 3 days. It's fine tho. We sweat out all those extra calories.
Besides that we have a baptism coming up on the 28th I'm pumped for. The dudes name is Chris and we are homies. He's a very interesting guy. Everyone here in bowling green is. It's just different😆. Also this week me and Elder Wales saw someone getting arrested for stealing a motorized shopping cart from Wal-Mart. That was pretty sad. Besides that not much else. I was hoping to hear more details on the proposal so hopefully Jake will get around to that. I'm sad I'll be missing his wedding. But what can you do😂😂. Love you guys and I hope yall have a good week.

Week 28: Happy 4th
Hey, I hope you guys are having a good 4th of July! We are out in the country having a good old celebration with some families from our wards. It's bomb. It was a super good time we had burgers and played volleyball it was good:) this week was a really good week here but it is hot as nuts. 99 degrees with this kind of humidity is something else. Hats are approved for tracting to keep the sun off of you so I bought a good old safari hat and I'm pumped to use it.
It's been a good week tho filled with lots of biking and talking to interesting people. It sounds like all is well there:) I miss all of you guys, it's crazy it's been 8 months already. I'm a 3rd of the way through this already. I can't believe how time flies. Me and my comp are trying very hard to get in really good shape. So we have been running a mile every morning and working out for quite a while. My fastest mile so far is 5:55. I want to get it faster tho. Today we aren't allowed to be out after 8 pm. Maybe they think people will shoot fireworks at us or something. Or it could just be all the drugs and alcohol who knows. I've been craving some swimming lately. It's just so hot and everyone has a pool. I can wait another 16 months tho😂
Love you guys and hope you have a good week!
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Week 27: Staying put
Hey family! Happy father's day dad! Thanks for all that you do for me! And having patience with me cause my emails suck! I did get my birthday package and it was awesome! I'm so thankful:) the mesh garments are gonna save my life out here. We sweat buckets all day every day. I'll get the package mailed off to you guys at some point with dad's hat and a belt I got from the corvette museum.
On to the other big news! So my comp Elder Satterthwaite is getting transfered to Linden Tennessee to be a district leader there. And I am going to be training!!!! And so will my district leader Elder Ellison! We will go pick up our greenies tomorrow and that will be there first day. I'm a little nervous and stressed about training but mostly just excited. It's going to be a blast! I'm going to miss Elder Satterthwaite tho. Besides that my birthday was pretty good. The Hermanas serving here made me some cupcakes which was cool. Plus district meeting that day was way fun to.
The family reunion looked like it was a party as usual. Wish I could have been there but it's all good:)
Let's see, besides that our gators have been doing well but the work has slowed down a bit because everyone is sick. But I just discovered a ton of new appartment complexes so when I get the Green bean we are gonna go hard. I don't find out who it is until Thursday but I'm sure Sister Stone will post pictures on Insta. So that means ill probably be in Kentucky for at least two more transfers. So that will make 5.
You all are the best and I hope you have a great week!
Week 26: Worth the wait
Hey family:) sounds like you guys had a pretty good week as usual!
Well here is the highlights since last p day. On Saturday we had our first baptism in the area, and the first one for me on my mission. Hanna entered the waters of baptism and the spirit was way strong. She has some autistic kids that made the baptism quite the party. But it was an amazing experience. Watching someone and helping them go through the whole teaching process and even get married was so cool.
Yesterday we were doing some service for this Hispanic lady in our ward. Her name is lina, she doesn't speak to much English but helping her is always a party. This time we carried a massive entertainment center up the stairs of her unfinished house and put it in her upstairs. While we were carrying it up there, I literally stepped through the ceiling.
I thought I was gonna fall through but I didn't. So that was good!
Also we are teaching this lady named Cheri who is getting baptised on the 30th and she is so cool. Straight from Detroit, she's in her 70s and literally is like a mafia person
she is just killing it in the lessons so far. Thanks for the package. I am excited to receive it, also on Sunday I'll probably find out if I'll be staying in this area or being transferred. Love you guys and I hope your all doing Well! See ya next week
Monday, May 7, 2018
Week 25: 6 months out
Hey family:)
Things are going well here! This last week there was like a corvette convention here or something. Every direction you looked you'd see like 4 to 5 corvettes. It was cool at first but after a while is just got kinda boring. I haven't been to the factory yet, but I'll probably go in the next week or two if I stay here. I'm super pumped to Skype you guys on mother's day. Our investigator on date just up and left. He moved to Indiana, and blocked us on Facebook 😂 not quite sure what went wrong there but ohh well. We are teaching this really cool old lady from Detroit tho. She sounds like She was In a mafia or something but she's really nice. Her name is Cxxxx. Besides that things are warming up here and everything is way green.
Like I realize now that we live in a desert, cause they don't even water there grass here and everything is just super green. It's all green. And I just wanna fish🤘 but I'll get my pole eventually.
I think I'll be staying with Elder Satterthwaite for another transfer and I'm okay with that. He's a good guy. 😂 so do you think Jake will be married before I get how then? That's kinda crazy to think about. So I hit six months yesterday and so I burned a tie and I have some pictures to send y'all. Bridger is doing really good. He's quite the missionary! He went zone leader at 6 months out which is a big deal. So he's got big things coming his way for sure. That's such a funny story about the steaks! Kenai sounds like a fun dog😂. We had a member feed us steaks the other day. I hadn't had one in so long it's nuts. It was way good. You'd be surprised mom I eat anything now. I love salad I really do. One thing I do miss tho is your cookies. And the brownies with frosting. Man those things were sure good. I hope y'all have had a good week. It sounds like dad is gettin everything with the house situated so that's good. Ohh also I wrangled an alpaca this week. Just got in the pen and grabbed it around the neck and wrestled with it a bit. Then they got shaved😂 it was a party for sure.
So our church ends at four. So It will probably be sometime after that. I don't know maybe like 7:15 or somethin. I'll let you guys know for sure next Monday.
Elder Swanton
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